
Terry Rice

My son pulled my pants down in a theater, here’s why I’m grateful

Published 4 months ago • 3 min read

My son pulled my pants down in a crowded theater. What happened next was even more shocking and I’m going to share that with you today.

Reason being, sometimes sharing our most embarrassing moments can lead to amazing opportunities – and I know you have a story to share as well.

But first, I’ll give you a heads up on some free stuff I have to offer:

If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant in your business, check out my latest (and free)
LinkedIn Learning course. You’ll learn how to remove roadblocks around pricing, lead generation, and more.
Ready to grow your brand and business online? Sign up for HeyCreator, a free online summit where you’ll learn from the best minds in audience growth, content development, and building a business on your own terms.

Ok, now back to that crowded theater and what you can learn from my embarrassing moment.

Read time: 3.5 minutes

I’ll set the stage - and tell the initial part of the story - by sharing the exact post I put up on LinkedIn, then I’ll share the outcome.

(Spoiler alert: I was featured by a publication I’ve wanted to partner with for years)

"My son pulled my pants down in a packed theater yesterday.

Here’s why I was happy about it. My brother passed away last month.

Since then I’ve been on a deliberate journey of healing through various forms of self-care.

‣ Exercise

‣ Journaling

‣ Meditation

And at first, it didn't seem like it was working.

‣ I was getting more frustrated than usual when my kids didn’t listen

‣ I found myself getting annoyed at small things I’d usually ignore

‣ I couldn’t see the joy in everyday moments as much as I used to

But then something happened.

Something that tested the resilience I’ve been preaching about for so long.

I was at my kid’s school to see my daughter perform in a holiday show.

My son wanted me to hold him so he could get a better view.

Instead of waiting patiently – which most five year olds are physically incapable of doing – he tried climbing up my legs.

And that’s when he pulled my pants down in a crowded theater 🤦🏽‍♂️

So, why was I happy about it?

Two reasons.

First, I was wearing clean underwear.

So, shout out to my mom who constantly warned me to wear clean underwear in case I was in an accident.

But the second reason is even more important; I didn’t get angry.

In fact, I thought it was kinda funny.

My son was laughing about it way too much but I was able to brush that aside too as I was pulling up my pants.

That’s when I realized all the self-care work was having a real impact.

‣ I didn’t get frustrated with my kid, even though it was an embarrassing situation

‣ I wasn’t annoyed at being de-pants in a crowded theater, instead I laughed about it

‣ I found joy in an everyday moment, just like I used to

This is not to say I’m 'fixed' or 'over it'.

But losing my pants gave me an opportunity to realize everything I've gained over the past month, and it let me know I’m headed in the right direction.

What does this mean to you?

Hey, we’re all on a constant journey of self-improvement.

But don’t forget to stop and acknowledge the progress you’ve already made."

As you can see, the post got a decent amount of attention with over 500 likes and over 100 comments.

Fortunately it stood out to one person in particular, Matt Berical.

Matt is the deputy editor of Fatherly, a media outlet that empowers men to raise great kids and lead more fulfilling adult lives.

He saw my post and asked if I wanted to be featured on their website by sharing my story.

Mind you, being featured by Fatherly has secretly been a goal of mine for the past several years, and I was shocked to see it happen by accident.

You can read the feature here, but let's also talk about what this means to you.

As I’ve said before, people give you opportunities because they feel connected to you. And sometimes, that connection is formed by being vulnerable and authentic.

So, what vulnerable and authentic stories have you held back on sharing?

I know it’s challenging to do so. I know it may be embarrassing, or even a bit scary. But your experiences help define who you are and you deserve to be recognized for who you are as an individual, not just your job function.

Beyond that, sharing your unfiltered stories could be the key to building connections and – in time – unlocking revenue generating opportunities.

I’ve noticed some people hold off on sharing vulnerable content because they’re afraid no one will engage with it. So, I’ll make you a deal.

If you decide to take my advice and open up on social media, just tag me and I’ll be sure to chime in with a comment.

And if you want even more help developing your brand and voice online, I’ll see you at the HeyCreator summit which kicks off next week.

For now, I’m off to the trampoline park to play with my kids. I’m bringing a sturdy belt and a good attitude.

Have a good one!

Terry Rice

I provide actionable ideas and frameworks to help you grow your business, overcome setbacks and perform at your highest level. I'm a staff writer at Entrepreneur magazine, business development consultant, fitness enthusiast and father of four.

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