The best holiday gift you can give yourself

If you’re like me you’ve already been bombarded with Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals. But there’s a problem with these “deals”; you’re not actually saving money. Here’s why.

If you buy something worth $1,000 for a sale price of $500, you did not save $500. You spent it.

So, I keep this thought in mind as I’m reviewing holiday sales.

“What can I buy that will make me money or save me time?”

In my experience, that’s the best gift I can give myself, and it's a gift that keeps giving. So far I bought annual subscriptions to a few applications I use.

And if you’re looking for something that will help you make money and save time, you should seriously consider joining my video course, The Solopreneur's Fast Track.

I’ll teach you how to start or scale a business by removing all the confusion and complexity. You’ll be able to make more money - with the skills you already have - within 30 days.

Here’s what Nelson - a corporate pro turned entrepreneur - has to say about it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re just getting started or experiencing a plateau with your business, after completing the course you’ll be able to:

  • Define your service offering by gaining a clear understanding of the work you excel at and enjoy
  • Establish your pricing and promotion strategy based on your revenue goals
  • Attract high paying clients (no cold calling)
  • Optimize your workflow to increase efficiency and avoid burnout

And this should come as a relief. You don’t need to be a business development or marketing wiz to run a successful business.

Instead, I teach you how to master the fundamentals so you can attract high-paying clients and focus on the work you enjoy.

So if you’ve been thinking about how you generate more revenue without burning out, take the Solopreneur's Fast Track.

You can join today for $97, but the price goes up to $150 on November 29th.

As a bonus, all course members get free access to my upcoming workshop, How to Sell Your Services on LinkedIn.

One last thing. I hate sending salesy emails like this. But I know the guidance provided in my course is exactly what I needed back when I started my business.

I was confused and frustrated about how hard it was to get clients without practically begging them to get on a call and then drastically undercharging for my services.

Eventually I found a way to make things work, but you don't have to wait as long as I did.

And to make sure I’m solving your problems I surveyed over 300 aspiring or emerging entrepreneurs. Your responses and my experience are the foundation of this course and I’d love to have you join today.

Hope to see you in there (as well as the LinkedIn workshop) and don’t hesitate to respond with any questions!

Talk soon,



Terry Rice

I provide actionable ideas and frameworks to help you grow your business, overcome setbacks and perform at your highest level. I'm a staff writer at Entrepreneur magazine, business development consultant, fitness enthusiast and father of four.

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