
Terry Rice

I provide actionable ideas and frameworks to help you grow your business, overcome setbacks and perform at your highest level. I'm a writer at Entrepreneur magazine, business development consultant, fitness enthusiast, and father of four.

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Are you living life by drift, drive or design?

Are you living life by drift, drive or design? Read on my website | Read time: 3.5 minutes Welcome to The Resilience Roadmap, a weekly newsletter where I provide actionable ideas and frameworks to help you grow your business, overcome setbacks, and perform at your highest level. My buddy Mo Bunnel mentioned something during a conversation that I just couldn’t get out of my head. “People usually live by drift, drive or design.” I can’t remember what he said after, but that part stuck with me....

I couldn’t think of a good opening here. So I’ll just get to the point: I drank alcohol every night for 10 years I was fired from three jobs within a 6 year span I was 40 pounds overweight and pre-diabetic Thankfully, with the support of my wife and a strong belief that my best days were still ahead of me, things have changed. I stopped drinking alcohol in 2015 I’m the managing director of an agency and a paid content creator I recently ran 1 mile, did 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air...

Based on your response to last week’s newsletter, I’m coming at you with another fast and powerful way to leverage ChatGPT and increase your revenue. Instead of just asking ChatGPT to create your content, you should also ask it to critique your content. Estimated reading time: 2.5 minutes In the example below I shared a pitch deck for my agency as a PDF document. Then, I asked ChatGPT the following: “I do sales for my company and will share this document with potential clients. Can you share...

Hi There, This week we're going to revisit my best tip on how to find clients. The reason for this rerun? For one thing, my newsletter has more than doubled since I last shared this advice – so this will be new to most of you! The other big reason is because I've been busy working toward the launch of my new podcast, Elevate and Expand. The goal of the podcast is to provide entrepreneurs with the guidance, accountability, and community that they need to grow a successful business. We just...

I'm trying something different with this issue and it would be great to hear your feedback. At times it easier for me so explain tactics by creating a video as opposed to writing out the whole process. But before we get started, a quick heads up: On Thursday, my buddy Matt Ragland and I are hosting a webinar on how to grow your newsletter on autopilot (in the next 7 days). We'll cover how to create a lead magnet that works, designing a landing page that converts, how to generate revenue with...

How do you stop your work life from spilling over into your personal life? A few months ago, I had an issue with a client I was working with. They were upset about how a project was being executed. I won’t get into the specifics, but there was a part of their deliverable that they wanted us to bypass but is regulated by the government. Umm… no thanks. They were very angry and aggressive. They called us every name in the book. All we could tell them was to take their problem up with the...

Coming at you today with a simple solution to a complex problem: Attracting and converting your dream clients. Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Situation:Everyone keeps telling you to build an email list. They say it's the best way to grow and nurture your audience, which makes it easier to sell your products and services. I can attest this since I’ve literally made money from my newsletter while I was out playing with my kids. But, getting started can be a bit tricky. Complication: The...

A quick note before we dive in: If "start a newsletter" is on your list of new year's resolutions but you're not quite sure how or where to start, I've got an offer to help you out! HeyCreator just released their newsletter launch package – if you need a boost to get your newsletter rolling, it's worth checking out. Okay, on with the newsletter. To become who you’ve always wanted to be, you have to shift your identity into someone who’s ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that...

If you look at my LinkedIn profile, you’ll see a bunch of logos from fancy media outlets where I’ve been featured. Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America, Fast Money . . . This week I was thinking about removing those logos. Here’s why: Publicity can be bought, it's not a true measure of your talent or impact I could use that space to help people instead of bragging about myself But then I realized that I could use this as an opportunity to take you behind the scenes and show you not just...

This week I delivered a talk at Google about how to be a high performer at work and at home. Over 1,000 parents showed up to hear me speak and it was fun having a platform to talk/vent about my kids. But here’s what some of you might be asking: How did he land an opportunity to speak at Google? That journey started seven years ago, and I’ll share my story now. But, more importantly, I’ll pass along some guidance that will help you make progress – regardless of your goal – even faster. The...